Split Pivot Suspension


Active Member
Não sei se isso pode ser considerado um novo sistema de suspensão traseira.
É sim, um sistema que permite a conjugação de um pivot, juntamente com o eixo da roda.
Segundo o que percebi, é uma maneira de algumas marcas evoluírem o seus sistemas de suspensões, passando por cima de patentes já criadas por outras marcas.

Uma das marcas que vai usar o Split Pivot vai ser a Trek, já com os seus modelos de 2008, como podes ver por esta foto:

Repara no eixo traseiro, ao pé da chaveta vermelha. Nota-se que há um ponto de rotação do quadro (pivot) ao mesmo tempo que faz de eixo para os cubos.
Para mais novidades da Trek2008, existe este topico: http://www.forumbtt.net/index.php/topic,19980.0.html

Espero não ter dito asneira, BTT teórico não é comigo :mrgreen:
De qualquer forma, aqui fica o SITE OFICIAL deste sistema: http://split-pivot.com/


Active Member
Ah, só agora é que vi isso das patentes... Pois, oxalá que a Trek ganhe isso, porque aquela Fuel Ex branca é linda :mrgreen:



A pantente pertence ao Dave Weagle (também criador do DW-Link) e irá ser aplicada em várias marcas (uma delas a trek).

Nada melhor que as palavras do Dave para explicar o funcionamento:

"The Split Pivot bridges the gap between a single pivot and a dw-link. It can do everything that an FSR suspension can do, but it can never have the complex anti squat curve and and performance associated with it that dw-link has.

So bottom line with this system, it is a single pivot for acceleration purposes, a multi pivot for braking purposes. In reality, performance wise it can exactly duplicate what most FSR bikes have done. With a little knowledge (i.e. pivot placement) I think that it can outshine many of the FSR bikes that have been built.

The raw idea is that it uses a single pivot location that offers some real benefits for acceleration purposes, but without a floating brake this pivot location that works so well for acceleration would have some real drawbacks under braking. This is where the Split Pivot (the concentric dropout pivot) comes in. The seatstay link and assembly acts as a floating brake arm, exactly like FSR does. Nothing new there at all. The pivot location around the axle is the novelty and why I had to apply for patents etc...

The axle pivot bearings are custom designed 17mm Enduro MAX type, they are sized specifically for this application so they should work out pretty well I think. There is no way for the skewer to preload the bearings in any way. I think that the cutaway shows this pretty clearly. The reason that the stays ore offset is to make sure that the bearings are loaded against the flanges on the seatstays under compression. This also allows more reliable mounting of the derailleur hanger and elimninates the possiblity of loosening pivots if a rear axle gets stuck due to lack of maintenance. A lot of thinking went into the assembly, and there are a lot of little details that maybe aren't apparent to the untrained eye.

Lower cost through an emphasis on wider manufacturing tolerances is one of the biggest advantages of this system. A dw-link needs to be held to tight tolerances to perform as designed. This usually menas CNC machining the entire weldment after heat treat, or pretty careful fixturing and alignment. 1mm is a huge number in dw-link world. A Split Pivot could be welded by a monkey and still probably work out allright. 1mm is practically inconsequential with Split-Pivot.

I don't think that Split Pivot could be lighter than dw-link in an ideal world, but it can make a pretty light bike without too much cost. dw-link is structurally pretty hard to beat.

Is this bike going to be better than a dw-link bike? Sadly, no. Is it going to ride better than a single pivot or other linkage bikes? I believe completely that it has the ability to. No matter what, Split Pivot can be used to build a pretty light bike with good performace characteristics. There is nothing wrong with that in my book.


Fonte MTBR.com



Active Member
Isso não será marketing a mais?... Pelas palavras do homem o DW-link é este mundo e o outro!
"Ah e tal, mas o Split Pivot vai ajudar os coitadinhos dos outros sistemas a melhorarem.. "
"Ficam melhores que FSR, o que não é muito difícil, mas é claro que não chegam aos calcanhares do DW-link! Porque esse fui eu que fiz e tá perfeito." .................. lol :mrgreen:

Hmmm :-K Ver para crer!

Já agora, comparem as vantagens do DW-link:

Com as Maestro (Giant):

..... Wow! Estou um pouco confuso :nsei: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: